Order acceptance times of Deutsche Bank         

Below there is an overview of the acceptance times for securities buy or sell orders on the leading stock exchanges and the acceptance times for same-day off-exchange execution of orders in investment funds and bonds. 

Please note:

The order acceptance times presented here are normal acceptance cut-off times of Deutsche Bank for most likely same-day execution of orders (unless otherwise noted). However, this is not a statement regarding the actual same-day execution on each exchange or in each off-exchange market.
Same-day execution cannot be guaranteed for orders that are submitted before the acceptance cut-off time. The execution of an order depends more on the acceptance of the order and the settlement of the trades on the exchange or in the off-exchange trade. Different dates of transition to summer and winter time in the country in which a foreign stock exchange is located and in Germany do not result in an "extension / change" in the Central European Times listed. After the acceptance cut-off time, Deutsche Bank rejects orders submitted to it that are valid for only the day the order is submitted. Other orders are set aside for execution on the next possible date.

Securities traded on XETRA: 
5:30 p.m.
Other domestic exchanges  
Shares 10:00 p.m.
Exchange Traded Products und Fonds
10:00 p.m.
Closing Time
Stuttgart Exchange
06:00 p.m.
Other stock exchanges
05:30 p.m.
Structured products, investment and leverage products
Closing Time
Frankfurt, Stuttgart Exchanges
10:00 p.m.
Other Exchanges
08:00 p.m.

Investment funds in over-the-counter trading against the capital management company (KVG): The times depend on the closing times of the respective custodian bank and the resolution channels. In the case of DWS mutual funds, the Bank's acceptance decisions correspond to the times indicated in the fund prospectus. For other CTGs, the closing times are usually 45 minutes, in some cases up to 2 hours before the times indicated in the prospectus.
Please note that there may be separate trading hours for certain types of securities (e.B. profit participation certificates, subscription rights) that differ from stock exchange to stock exchange or that trading hours may also be different from regulations for a product group (e.B. derivatives) of issuers. If necessary, please inform yourself in advance on the websites of the stock exchanges or issuers about their regulations. An order acceptance – and thus a day-to-day execution – by the stock exchange cannot be guaranteed shortly before the close of trading.
Foreign stock exchanges: The closing times of the foreign exchanges depend on the trading hours at the respective trading venue. Here, too, an order acceptance – and thus a day-to-day execution – cannot be guaranteed by the stock exchange shortly before the close of trading.

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